1846-1946 Centenary of the Catholic Church in Western Australia Categories: Documents, Leadership, Religious Orders, Schools Timelines: Historical Timeline
1846 – 1946 Centenary of the Catholic Church in Western Australia
“A hundred years”, says the Scripture, ”is but as a day in His sight’. While this is obviously true of the timelessness of God, in the “unfolding destiny of nation”, a century is a long time indeed. More particularly in our own day when the amazing advances in the physical sciences make intrusion into the realms of time and space, the press of events is so swift and unpredictable that a great deal that is historically significant may be packed into a very brief moment of time.
In celebrating the hundredth year since the arrival of Bishop Brady with his Benedictine missionaries from Spain, our first duty is surely one of gratitude to God for the magnificent calibre of our pioneer Bishops, priests and laymen.
[source: opening paragraphs of “Centenary of the Catholic Church in Western Australia” publication]