Catholic education priorities for 2017 State Elections

02 March 2017

Western Australian Government policy has a significant role to play in supporting Catholic schools to provide quality teaching and learning environments and outcomes.

In the lead up to this election, Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) directed questions relating to four key issues to both the Labor and Liberal parties and invited their response. In summary, neither party has pledged significant financial support to CEWA at this time.  This is perhaps not altogether surprising given the State’s current financial challenges.  However, CEWA is pleased that both have indicated ways to collaborate with Catholic education if elected to government, and importantly, both have committed in writing to the Annual Government School Recurrent Costs 25% funding level.

The summary of both major party commitments together with CEWA’s corresponding responses, are available in the document below. We have also included links to the full responses we received from each party.

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