Catholic School Youth Summit 2017

30 June 2017

This week the second annual Catholic School Youth Summit (CSYS) was held at the University of Notre Dame Australia, in Fremantle. 121 Students and 27 teachers from 25 schools across the state gathered to take part in a day of faith-filled learning, and engaging through stories, music and workshops with a range of inspiring guest presenters.

The theme for this year’s Summit was inspired by Pope Francis’ call for the world’s youth to #getoffthecouch and put faith into action, encouraging them to “set out on new and uncharted paths”.

“The time we are living in does not call for young couch potatoes but for young people with shoes – or better – boots laced,” he said.

The Summit provided an incredible opportunity for us to join together and encourage our youth to share in the life and mission of the Catholic church, learning more about leadership and keeping our faith alive and relevant in the community.

Fablice Manirakiza (aka FLYBZ) who attended the inaugural CSYS last year as a keynote speaker, was again a highlight of the Summit this year, where he shared his incredible life story and talents through inspiring rap performances that got everyone up and moving!

Students spent the day on campus, experiencing university life and networking with fellow students from across WA.

Speakers from the day included:

  • Paige Newmark – Speaking Up/Speaking Out: A Call to Action Using Your Voice
  • Shane Glasson – Developing Resilience in a Complex World
  • Francis Leong – Nourishing A Missionary Heart for Our Common Home
  • Richard Rymarz and Debra Sayce – Stand Up and Have Your Say
  • YARN – Become an Ally in Reconciliation
  • Anita Finneran – Faith in Action
  • UNDA – Opportunities for Tomorrow
  • Fablice Manirakiza (a.k.a) FLYBZ – The Power of Education and Life Long Learning and Education

A day of fun and learning was had by all – check out some of the photos from the day below!

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