Dr Tim McDonald congratulates St Mary MacKillop College on outstanding 2016 WACE results

16 March 2017

Image: Dr Tim McDonald congratulating students and staff at St Mary MacKillop College.

Executive Director of Catholic Education Western Australia, Dr Tim McDonald, was privileged to attend St Mary MacKillop College’s assembly on Tuesday, 14 March to congratulate staff and students on their incredible Year 12 WACE achievements in 2016.

The school achieved a WACE achievement rate of 100%, placing them on the  SCSA  First 50 WACE Achievement schools list. Along with high median ATAR scores, their Mathematics Applications, Mathematics Methods, Chemistry and Physics courses placed in the top schools list for ATAR courses.

The Year 12 students worked extremely hard, along with teachers, to achieve this level of academic performance. They have done their families, teachers and College proud, and have set a standard of success for themselves that will put them in good stead for all their future endeavours.

Catholic Education WA would like to join students, parents and caregivers in thanking the College staff who contributed to this success, in particular those who taught Year 12 classes in 2016. These results would not be possible without the dedication of teachers, and the passion for learning that is instilled in them from the beginning of their education journey.

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