2018 CEWA Commissioning Mass

07 February 2018

More than 750 people gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday, 30 January 2018 for a Mass to welcome new school staff from the Archdiocese of Perth to Catholic Education Western Australia.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, celebrated the Commissioning Mass, along with concelebrants The Most Reverend Donald Sproxton, Auxiliary Bishop of Perth; The Very Reverend Peter Whitely, Vicar General and Monsignor Michael Keating.

The Mass was also attended by the Honourable Michelle Roberts MLA, Minister for Police, Road Safety.

In offering his blessing to 219 new staff members, Archbishop Costelloe acknowledged the vital, delicate and privileged work of educators in Catholic schools, his homily drawing upon the life of St John Bosco.

“As we celebrate the feast day of St John Bosco at the beginning of a new school year may we discover in ourselves the desire to be, in our own time and place, loving and gentle guides and teachers of our young people, leading them to live the fullness of life and truth revealed to us in Jesus and nourished and strengthened by our lives within the community of the Church,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

CEWA Acting Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce, welcomed and thanked all who contribute to Catholic education in the Archdiocese, reiterating the importance of the work of Catholic school staff.

“The beginning of the school year is always a time where we can look forward with hope and enthusiasm to the countless opportunities that we, as educators in Catholic schools and colleges, will have to help our students grow and learn,” Dr Sayce said.

The Dioceses of Broome, Geraldton and Bunbury will hold their commissioning Masses for new staff within the coming weeks.

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