29th Performing Arts Festival – entries now open

09 March 2018

The 29th Performing Arts Festival is taking place from 19 July through to 31 August this year. The Catholic Arts Office has recently sent an information pack to all Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) schools that contains information about the 2018 Festival.

The Festival provides a wonderful opportunity for schools to showcase students’ talents through performances at the highest level, as well as allowing teachers to utilise and share their talents as a teacher in the arts through encouraging the development of excellence in performance.

Included in the package is:

  • Newsletter from the Chair, Catholic Arts;
  • Important Points to Note;
  • An Overview & Overarching Rules of the Festival for those teachers who may be new to schools or have not participated in recent years;
  • 2018 Festival Calendar;
  • 2018 Festival Timeline;
  • Various flyers; and
  • Online users guide.

All information on the Festival, including online application information, is available through the Catholic Arts website, www.catholicarts.wa.edu.au under the ‘Performing Arts Festival’ tab. While you’re there, be sure to check out the photos from last year’s final concert in the gallery.

Catholic Arts looks forward to welcoming your school’s participation in the 2018 Festival, whether it’s one event or several!

The Opening Mass takes place on Friday 20th July at Infant Jesus Parish, Morley.  As this is the Year of Youth, the theme will be entwined throughout the Festival – and what better way to focus on our youth than showcasing their performing arts talents.

The Catholic Arts Office staff are on hand to assist with any queries relating to the Festival or to the other events managed by the office, such as the Angelico Art Exhibition and Carnevale.

Please do not hesitate to contact the office for further details on (08) 9241 5241 or catholicarts@cathednet.wa.edu.au.


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