83 percent of CEWA students use Religion and Life for ATAR score

07 February 2018

One of the many highlights for the Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) system in the School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s 2017 WACE data was outstanding achievement in YEAR 12 ATAR Religion and Life studies.

CEWA colleges accounted for 14 of the top 15 top scoring schools in the state offering Religion and Life as an ATAR course.

Of the CEWA students who studied Religion and Life as an ATAR course, approximately 83 percent used it to contribute to their final ATAR. All CEWA Colleges offer Religion and Life studies, with both ATAR and general courses available at the majority.

Dr Debra Sayce, CEWA Acting Executive Director, said that the success of Catholic colleges in supporting their students attain high achievement in Religion and Life studies highlighted the meaningful and relevant Religious Education available to students in Catholic schools and colleges.

“Catholic schools help students gain a deep understanding of how religion fits into contemporary global society, and the profound benefits it can bring. This critical learning gives them unique opportunities for developing as generous, civic-minded individuals, as well as opportunities for this learning to contribute to their West Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) achievement,” she said.

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