Archdiocese of Perth Easter Services to be live streamed

03 April 2020

Catholics from around WA will be able to join Easter services streamed by the Archdiocese of Perth this year, as they stay home due to restrictions in place for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Palm Sunday, marking the start of Holy Week, will be the first service streamed live this Sunday at 11am, celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.

Mass for Holy Thursday, celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, will be streamed from 7pm, Thursday 9 April and Good Friday service will be streamed at 3pm, Friday 10 April.

The Easter Vigil Mass will be streamed on Saturday 11 April from 6.00pm, and the Easter Sunday Mass at 11am. Both services will be celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe.

The Masses will be streamed to the Archdiocesan website, Facebook and YouTube:

(Information provided by the Record)

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