A celebration of the Eucharist during Anti-Poverty week

20 October 2017

On Wednesday, the 18th of October, on the Feast Day of St. Luke the Evangelist, many Archdiocesan schools came together at Infant Jesus Church Morley for a celebration of the Eucharist with a Reflection on Anti-Poverty. The Mass was celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton.

The Mass was sponsored by Catholic Mission, Caritas Australia, Lifelink and St Vincent de Paul, and organised with guidance and support from Sr. Kerry Willison from the Centre for Liturgy, and consultants from the Religious Education and Faith Formation Team of CEWA.

A special cross made by Newman College was decorated with strips of colourful cloth featuring prayers written by the students, relating to anti-poverty and was carried in as the processional cross of the Mass.

In his homily, Bishop Sproxton described ways that we as a Catholic community can continue to give witness by helping people in need, bring peace to our troubled world, feed the hungry, and to love, as Jesus loves.

The schools were thanked for their ongoing contributions and support of the work of the four agencies. During Anti-Poverty Week, our schools came together in solidarity to the table of the Lord.


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