CEWA partners with Apple and JB Hifi to help families connect to LEADing Lights benefits

02 December 2016


Catholic Education Western Australia’s LEADing Lights initiative is about better connecting students, parents and staff with each other; it will streamline connection of educators and school leaders across the state and provide them with services that support truly engaging learning experiences using digital technology.

A practical consideration in making the LEADing Lights transformation effective is supporting schools and parents to access the devices that will best serve the learning needs of students and staff.

CEWA has negotiated two programs designed to extend education discounts and priority customer support for families enrolled in CEWA schools.

The Family-Funded Program, available for CEWA families through Apple, will provide priority customer support as well as extended education discount eligibility and ease of purchase for Apple products.

The Family-Funded Program brings over-the-phone, retail, and online purchase support with an education discount for students and staff, as well as family members. It also includes an Online Personal Set Up service, which connects families with an Apple specialist to familiarise them with their device and useful apps in a 30-minute session.

CEWA has also been working with JB HiFi to extend an exclusive education discount on Microsoft Surface devices for CEWA families through an online education store.

To find out more about CEWA’s Family-Funded program, and to access the CEWA Apple or JB HiFi stores, visit ceo.wa.edu.au/familyfunded


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