CEWA schools excel in 2017 VET achievement

07 February 2018

Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) colleges demonstrated a strong commitment to diversity of Year 12 pathways in 2017, with outstanding outcomes in Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses.

According to data released by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, of the 86 schools across the state with 100 percent VET achievement in Certificate II or higher, and 20 or more students enrolled in courses, 20 were CEWA schools and colleges.

CEWA Acting Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce, said that Catholic schools and colleges were committed to supporting students to achieve goals and develop skills that interested them.

“Recognising the unique gifts, talents and interests of each individual is a fundamental and essential characteristic of Catholic education, and supporting students with opportunities to grow and excel in either VET or ATAR courses is an aim of all of our schools,” she said.

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