CEWA students join Perth Glory players at the ACC Inclusive Soccer Carnival

14 September 2017

On Friday 11 August, Year 11 and 12 Irene McCormack Catholic College Sport and Recreation Soccer students assisted in running the NO LIMITS Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) Inclusive Soccer Carnival (ISC) at the Pat Goodridge Reserve in Wembley.

Seven schools entered integrated soccer teams (mainstream and inclusive) to compete under the new NO LIMITS Program.

Mr Damian Stefanoff, the College Soccer Academy Coordinator, said “In the Sport and Recreation coursework at the College, the students learn how to officiate games and how to design and conduct training sessions. This day was a great opportunity for the students to put their skills into practice. They made a huge difference to all those participating. The students not only refereed the games, but helped the teams and players who needed a bit more assistance.  This was rewarding when our students saw the appreciation on the players’ faces, and the joy when they achieved individual and team success”.

The ACC Inclusive Sport Program provides wonderful competitive opportunities for both mainstream and inclusive students. Five Perth Glory players even made their way to the reserve to watch the action and get involved!

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