Community has its say in the future of Catholic education

12 June 2018

An overwhelming response to a Catholic Education Commission of WA survey has given credence to the importance of the future of Catholic education.

In less than two weeks more than 3000 online responses were received to the survey which invited insights from the broader community about the strategic directions of Catholic education in Western Australia.

The CECWA has opened a conversation that will help shape the future of Catholic education and define the purpose and place of each of our schools in the communities we serve.

The conversation with the Catholic education community will now take the form of focus groups across Western Australia over the coming month as part of the CECWA’s journey to develop the Strategic Directions of Catholic education in WA from 2019 to 2021.

This crucial work will enable the CECWA to consolidate and communicate its key objectives for the coming years.

The aim is to involve as many as possible in the Catholic community including school and office employees, students, parents and caregivers, and priests in the development of the Strategic Directions.

For more information on Strategic Directions, visit

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