Education Minister presents CEWA LEAD Awards for Excellence 

08 August 2019

Fifteen schools were recognised for outstanding projects and initiatives today through CEWA’s LEAD Awards for Excellence, which were presented by WA Minister for Education and Training, Sue Ellery MLA at the Catholic Education Staff Breakfast at Crown Perth. 

Minister Ellery reflected on her own Catholic education experience including her time at St Brigid’s College in Lesmurdie, where her forward-thinking teacher ensured that the girls were given opportunities to engage in STEM subjects in their learning, before she presented the LEAD Awards trophies. 

The Awards recognise the work of schools in four categories – Learning, Engagement, Accountability and Discipleship and the winning initiatives, as well as nominations, showed how effectively Catholic schools are embracing these principles. 

2019 winners included projects serving marginalised students, promoting wellbeing and positive mental health, increasing parent engagement in learning, promoting reconciliation and celebrating Aboriginal cultures, supporting the transition from primary to secondary school, and giving students opportunities to lead other young people in their faith development.

55 entries were received for the Awards in 2019 with eight LEAD Awards and seven Merit Awards presented to CEWA schools and colleges around the Perth Metropolitan, and one to Sacred Heart School in Beagle Bay, in the Diocese of Broome.

A new category for 2019, the LEAD People’s Choice Award, is still open for public voting via Facebook until 21 August. 

LEAD Awards for Excellence 2019 



Orana Catholic Primary School, Willeton – Inspired To Create 

Whitford Catholic Primary School, Craigie – Boys Dance 


Mater Dei College, Edgewater – Whadjuk Gift 

Sacred Heart School, Beagle Bay – Wellbeing and Mindfulness 

St Anthony’s School, Wanneroo – Parent Mathematics and Writing Nights 


Good Shepherd Catholic School, Lockridge – Sensory Motor Program 


Servite Catholic College, Tuart Hill – 24/7 SERVE 

Prendiville Catholic College, Ocean Reef – Stations of the Cross Project 

Leaders’ Choice 

Emmanuel Catholic College and Hammond Park Catholic Primary School – The Final Year Experience 


Merit Awards 


Holy Cross College, Ellenbrook – Year 9 City Project 

St Helena’s Catholic Primary School, Ellenbrook – Learning Without Borders 

Sacred Heart College, Sorrento – Feed Forward Marking System 


Sacred Heart College, Sorrento – Chose Your Own Information Evening  

St Brigid’s Primary School, Middle Swan – Drumming program 


St Anthony’s School, Wanneroo – Edith Cowan University Project 


Xavier Catholic School, Hilbert – Homeless Sleepout 


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