Emmanuel Catholic College’s unique ECCspresso coffee blend

25 May 2017

As a part of Emmanuel Catholic College’s Certificate II in Hospitality, year 11 and 12 students are involved in practical hospitality service throughout the year, allowing them to practice and fine tune their barista and customer service skills. And as a part of this unique learning experience within the curriculum, students run the school’s ECCspresso Café.

The Café is open to students during recess and lunch, where they are able to purchase coffee, tea, milkshakes and fresh baked goods. Students of ECCspresso have also created their own coffee brand – sourced and blended to create a unique flavour and freshness that has been very well received within the school community. So much so, that the blend is now available for purchase in whole beans or ground 250g satchels at the College reception.

Just recently, students made over 100 coffees for staff at the annual Athletics Carnival. Students received wonderful feedback on both the coffee and service during the day, showcasing just how effective the practical experience has been for the school’s hospitality students.

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