End of term message from Dr Debra Sayce

05 April 2022

As Term 1 draws to a close, I would like to thank our schools and school communities for their unwavering support in navigating the multitude of challenges that we have been presented with this year.

It is possible that the fast-moving news of the terrible tragedy unfolding in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic at home and the trials we face in our personal lives may be testing our resilience and patience in ways we have never known.

Understandably, many may be feeling overwhelmed, even if they are not directly affected – the negative news and events are all consuming at present.

I am incredibly grateful for all the dedicated work, care and compassion that we have seen in our schools this term. It is true that adversity brings out the best in people and we have seen some remarkable acts of generosity and kindness as a result.

Importantly, Catholic Education WA has continued to hold health and safety as central to all we do. We have seen the rollout of our revolutionary COVID App, which is changing the way positive COVID cases are being reported in our schools.

CEWA has also invested more than $8 million in our COVID response, funding rapid antigen tests (RAT), air purifiers and carbon dioxide monitors for every school in our system. We look forward to an easing of restrictions, including the onerous reporting measures, in Term 2.

As the Federal election approaches, CEWA will continue our public engagement campaign, Building A Brighter WA, to showcase the significant social and economic contribution Catholic education and individual schools make in WA.

Once again, thank you all for your efforts during Term 1, they have truly made a difference.

I wish you a joyous Easter and an enjoyable break that will no doubt serve as an opportunity to connect with family and loved ones, as much as we can within pandemic constraints.

I conclude with the recent focus Pope Francis presented the world with the consecration of Ukraine and Russia.

His Holiness stated: “The vicious war that has overtaken so many people, and caused suffering to all, has made each of us fearful and anxious”.

“Human reassurance is not enough. We need the closeness of God and the certainty of his forgiveness, which alone eliminates evil, disarms resentment, and restores peace to our hearts. Let us return to God and to his forgiveness.”

Dr Debra Sayce

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