Irene McCormack student selected for Aboriginal STEM summer school

20 December 2018

This summer will be filled with learning and opportunity for Irene McCormack Catholic College Year 10 student Tarzara Kelly, who has been accepted into the 10-day Aboriginal Summer School for Excellence in Technology and Science (ASSETS).   

The summer school, taking place in Townsville over the school holidays, will give Tarzara the opportunity to work with STEM professionals and to participate in science-based workshops that reflect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, such as Fire Ecology and Marine Science, and will incorporate cultural activities.  

During the program Tarzara will be also be challenged to broaden her natural leadership skills.   

Tarzara is regularly called on to deliver the Acknowledgement of Country at College assemblies, and no doubt the ASSETS program will encourage her to continue developing her leadership skills and leadership role at the College. She is a great role model for all students. 

College Aboriginal Liaison Officer Donella Brown said Tarzara was very hard-working, continually striving to do her best in all her subjects, with a passion for life that inspired those around her.  

“We wish Tarzara all the best and look forward to her sharing her experiences with the College community when school commences in 2019,” she said. 

ASSETS is part of a broader Indigenous STEM Education Project funded by BHP Billiton and delivered by the CSIRO.

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