Kolbe Catholic College celebrates outstanding ATAR achievements
02 March 2017

Image: Former Kolbe students (back) Erin McNulty, Nina Buonvecchi, Ariana Hetherington, Courtney Proposch, Danielle Payne, Alana Steegstra, Molly Ferguson, Sophia Soares, (front) Zac Brockwell, Brody Faccioni, Benjamin Farrington, Matthew Goddard ,Aaron Kaputin, Caleb Beaumont, Jamie McCullough, Ricky Amos and Lyon Momple.
On Wednesday, 15 February, Kolbe Catholic College held their annual assembly to congratulate students who achieved 90 per cent or higher in their 2016 ATAR scores. This year’s assembly saw Kolbe celebrating their highest ATAR scores to date, with 20 students achieving outstanding 2016 results.
Principal Robyn Miller said that they have held this assembly for the past six years, and each year has seen the number of students attaining this goal increase.
She applauded the collaborative partnership between students, parents and teachers that contributed to this incredible end result.
“The many hours given by staff to support students outside of school hours tutoring, the Senior School Study Club, the desire of students to achieve excellence and the encouragement and support given to one another” have all played an important part she said.
Principal Miller also highlighted how our Catholic ethos is reflected in this success, saying “all Catholic schools foster a strong sense of community based on Gospel values. It is this shared vision that is all important and provides a wonderful foundation for our students”.
Catholic Education Western Australia congratulates these students on their outstanding efforts, and wish them all the best in their future endeavours as they begin university over the next month.