LEADing Lights aims to provide every student, teacher & staff member with seamless access to CEWA’s best resources

22 September 2016

Twitter announced the arrival of Aidan McCarthy, Head of Digital Transformation at CEWA, on June 14. By August 1, Aidan was unveiling a bold vision to digitally transform the system to principals at the Semester Two Leaders’ Forum.

That vision is called LEADing Lights and it aims to help every student, teacher and staff member seamlessly access CEWA’s best resources.

Following Leaders’ Forum, Aidan has been meeting with school leaders, administrators and IT staff to share and consolidate the vision, answer questions and seek feedback. These discussions have also been supported by the online LEADing Lights Yammer group.

Aidan has outlined six critical projects that will realise the LEADing Lights’ vision over the next 12 months:

  1. Project Concierge –   Collecting, aligning and managing all CEWA software and systems under a single unified cloud ecosystem
  2. Project CEWA365 – Connecting all schools and communities together to leverage resources and expertise
  3. Project Insight – Centralising student information management systems to capture data that inform and improve decision making at all levels of teaching, learning and administration.
  4. Project Personal Learning and Development – Developing digital curriculum and personalised learning through virtualised learning. Improving the scaffolding of learning through adaptive learning systems.
  5. Project Administration of Schools – Developing a system designed for Student Administration, Academic Achievement, Attendance & Reporting, Marketing, Social & Recruitment, HR & Finance, Compliance, Government Funding programs, Asset Management & Help Desk, Sustainability and Environmental with IOT and Strategic planning and Project management
  6. Project Celebrate – Celebrating innovation and best practice within our system, locally, nationally and internationally.

Over the next two months stakeholder representatives from schools and central offices will have opportunities to develop a book of LEADing dreams. These dreams will support CEWA to implement the 6 core projects above.


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