Long-serving staff honoured for commitment to Catholic education in WA

23 October 2023

Long-serving staff in Catholic education have been honoured for their commitment and dedication to Christ-centred and child-focused education at Catholic Education WA’s annual Staff Breakfast.

Seventy-eight staff celebrated 30-years of service, twenty-one marked 40-years of service and one marked 50-years of service.

Staff were joined by Education Minister, Dr Tony Buti MLA and National Catholic Education Executive Director, Hon Jacinta Collins at the breakfast along with Catholic Education Commission WA Chair, Ms Eva Skira AM and Catholic Schools Parents WA Executive Director, Siobhan Allen.

“I hope you take heart from knowing the positive impact you have had in the lives of generations of students and colleagues over the years.” Dr Debra Sayce, Catholic Education WA Executive Director told recipients.

The morning also saw Quality Catholic Education Awards presented to schools for initiatives delivered throughout the year.

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