National Sorry Day, Reconciliation Week and Remembering Indigenous Service

09 May 2017


National Reconciliation Week 2017 will take place around Australia from 27 May to 3 June, providing an opportunity to focus on reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Since the Bringing Them Home report was tabled in the Australian parliament 20 years ago, people have gathered each year at Wellington Square in East Perth to mark National Sorry Day on 26 May. It has grown to be the biggest National Sorry Day event in Australia.

Catholic education schools and staff have been involved in the planning of the event since 2009, and secondary students from schools in the Perth Archdiocese will again take part in this year’s National Sorry Day event. Singer songwriter Archie Roach will be attending this year’s event in honour of the 20th anniversary of the Bringing Them Home Report.

The students will join other schools and organisations to commemorate the National Sorry Day ceremony and take part in activities to promote Reconciliation. The event is hosted by Reconciliation WA and Bringing Them Home WA. The Information Pack with Registration Form has been sent to schools (via Principals, GECKOS Coordinators, ATAs).

Also as a part of National Reconciliation Week, Department of Veterans’ Affairs will work alongside the The Returned and Services League of Australia, and other ex-service and community organisations to hold a number of ceremonies across Australia to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Indigenous servicemen and women. Please find event details below for the ceremony taking place in WA.

We Will Remember Them: Ceremony 31 May 2017

You are invited to attend a ceremony at the State War Memorial in Kings Park and Botanic Garden on Wednesday 31 May 2017 at 10.00am. Mr Ron Bradfield Jnr will be speaking on the day.

Following the ceremony, guests are invited to share a morning tea at the Wildflower Pavilion.

Confirm your attendance to Kathryn Lloyd, Department of Veterans’ Affairs by Monday 15 May. Kathryn can be contacted on 9366 8261 or

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