New CEWA School excursion guidelines available on ClanEd

30 June 2017

Following the School Excursions PD held last week Thursday 22 June, when Principals and nominated leadership team representatives were introduced to the CEWA School Excursions ClanEd Board, we would like to advise that the board is now available for all school staff to access.

Staff are invited to visit ClanEd to view the interactive board that has been created in support of the new CEWA School Excursions Guidelines. It includes the CECWA Policy and the newly updated Guidelines, and has been created specifically to assist schools in planning and conducting school excursions with risk management in mind.

The board has been divided into modules for a more flexible, self-paced learning experience. Each module provides users with a variety of information and tools to assist in identifying and minimising risks associated with school excursions.

Login to the CEWA 365 portal using your credentials to access the board.

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