Outstanding results achieved by CEWA class of 2018

21 December 2018

Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce today congratulated the 4724 students who achieved their WACE at CEWA colleges in 2018.

Dr Sayce said this year’s cohort should be proud of their achievements with 11 students being recognised with School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) VET (Vocational Education and Training) Exhibition, General Exhibition and Subject Exhibition awards.

“Catholic education in WA has grown from strength to strength with many students achieving an ATAR ranking of 95 or higher and 2632 students attaining VET qualifications this year,” she said.

“With 42 secondary colleges from as far north as Broome, along the north-west coast and down to Albany, and inland to Kalgoorlie, CEWA is committed to ensuring that Catholic education provides outstanding learning experiences and outcomes.

“We are very proud of our school leavers. Students have achieved significant personal, academic and vocational milestones which will set them in good stead for whatever path they take in the future.

“The 2018 students will make their own individual marks on the world, as previous students have, and it is encouraging and rewarding to see them venture out to develop their own careers in their chosen fields.”

On behalf of CEWA, Dr Sayce congratulated the following students who have been recognised for achieving the highest marks in WA.

VET Exhibition Award (awarded to the eligible student who has demonstrated the most outstanding performance in an AQF VET Certificate II or higher)

General Exhibition ATSI (awarded to the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student who achieves the highest WACE award score among those students eligible for this award)

General Exhibition Awards (awarded to eligible students who obtain the 50 highest WACE scores)

Subject Exhibition Awards (awarded to the eligible student who obtains the highest examination mark for each Year 12 ATAR course)

Dr Sayce also acknowledge the hundreds of Catholic students who were honoured with VET Certificates of Excellence, Certificates of Distinction, Certificates of Merit and Subject Certificates of Excellence.

“Their achievements are to be congratulated along with their families, educators and college communities who have supported and encouraged them in their learning journeys,” she said.

“With more than 76,000 students across 162 schools and colleges, Catholic education provides a diverse and vibrant learning community – our 2018 school leavers are excellent examples of this and we are extremely proud of them.”

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