Pancake Day’s historic beginning and modern charity

06 March 2020

Students and staff at many CEWA schools ate pancakes last Tuesday but the meaning behind the annual tasty treat was far from lost. 

Profits from the sale of Shrove Tuesday pancakes at Corpus Christi College and Iona Presentation College went to Caritas’ Project Compassion campaign. 

At Iona, senior students cooked pancakes at recess for a gold coin donation, and kindy students enjoyed pikelets for afternoon tea. 

Pancakes were also on the menu at Clontarf Aboriginal College on Tuesday before commemorating the start of Lent the next day with a Liturgy in Mia Marmun Yira, the College chapel. 

Shrove Tuesday, sometimes called Pancake Day, is a day of celebration, the last chance to feast before Lent, and historically was time to use up fats, eggs and milk before Lenten fasting began on Ash Wednesday.  

The name comes from the ritual of shriving – to shrive meant to hear confessions, so in shriving, a person confesses their sins and receives forgiveness for them. 

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