Plenary Council 2020: Your voice is needed – join in!

14 June 2018

In 2020, the Catholic Bishops of Australia will hold a Plenary Council to discuss the future of the Catholic Church in our country.

It has been more than 80 years since the last council and it is being seen an opportunity to engage the wider community in important discussions around the future of the Church.

The Council will address questions like: What are we called to do? Who are we called to be? How do we need to change? What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?

The official launch was on Pentecost Sunday 2018 which begins a year of consultation.

Together, we are on a journey of listening to God by listening to one another.

All Australians are invited to engage in an open and inclusive process of listening, dialogue and discernment about the future of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Resources and instruments have been developed to support schools to stay connected and
engaged during the three-year journey to Plenary Council 2020.

CEWA will share these with our schools and community so we can all play a meaningful role in this exciting and important journey together.

For more information visit the website.

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