St Anne’s Harvey students marvel at sculptures and shadows

04 April 2018

We all see the same sun and the same shadows. This was the affirming message by Japanese artist Masayuki Sugiyama to St Anne’s year 6 class from Harvey at this year’s Alcoa School Education Program at Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe.

This year marks a milestone in the program. The 25,000th student has now enjoyed the unique educational experience which sees them meet artists, learn about the creative process and make their own masterpieces.

A five-year-old Perth boy’s appreciative letter after being enchanted by the shadows created by Masayuki’s sculpture at last year’s Cottesloe event inspired the artist’s latest piece.

The two shapes in Masayuki’s latest sculpture for Cottesloe make two circle shadows on the ground when the angle of the sun is at 46 degrees (which at the moment is about 3pm). This represents coming together – east and west, subject and object, you and me. As Masayuki sees it, we are more the same than we are different.

Masayuki shared this story and enthralled the students who created their own simple wire sculpture on the beach sand and marvelled at the shadows it threw. They then created a more detailed piece on the grass, placed it on photographic paper and exposed it to the sun where it developed into an image of the sculpture’s shadow.

The students created their own simple wire sculpture on the beach sand and marvelled at the shadows it threw.

St Anne’s Assistant Principal Luke Godwin said the exhibition and workshop is a much-anticipated event in the school calendar for students and teachers alike.

“The staff and students were delighted with the opportunity from Alcoa to attend Sculpture by the Sea to explore sculpture with an exhibiting artist.” Mr Godwin said.

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