Term Three Webinar Week – 40 sessions live or on demand

25 August 2021

Week 7 | 30 August – 2 September 2021



Term 3 Webinar Week is just about here, and is open to all CEWA staff members, as well as guests who register in advance.

If you haven’t already, now is the time to plan which sessions you will join live. If there are sessions you can’t join in real-time, don’t worry – they will be available to catch up on later. Grab a colleague or get a group together to debrief after watching a session to get the most out of your webinar experience.

Term 3 Webinar Week has 40 sessions scheduled across eleven channels. All webinars will be hosted in the 8445 Virtual Conferences Team each day from 3.30pm – 4.15pm, and will be recorded for on demand access via the Virtual Conference Stream Channel.

The full week’s schedule can be viewed below, and more detailed schedules for each day and further information are accessible to CEWA staff on SharePoint. If you are an educator working outside the CEWA system and would like to join a Webinar Week session, you can register to join as a guest (live sessions only).


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