Use your skills to help those in need around the world

16 May 2018

Do you have teaching, medical, business, admin or trade skills?

Have you ever thought of sharing them with our global family to reduce poverty and make a fairer world?

Palms Australia is looking for volunteers to help build capacity in overseas communities through its overseas volunteer program. Palms began as the Paulian Association, a Catholic organisation founded in 1956 in Sydney, and is committed to reducing poverty and supporting just, sustainable and peaceful development.

Palms places skilled volunteers in long-term placements in remote communities to build the skills of local people. Palms only places volunteers in communities that request their specific skills, which empowers them to achieve their unique goals.

Volunteers don’t do quick fixes on short stays, but immerse themselves in another culture and exchange skills within trusting, mutually beneficial relationships.

Right now, schools, clinics and community organisations in the Pacific, Asia and Africa seek volunteers to mentor their  local personnel and develop communities sustainably.

Find out more at the Palms Australia information session on Saturday 26 May at 10:30am in the City of Perth Library, 573 Hay Street, Perth.

Find out more online at or contact Palms on 02 9560 5333.

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