You’re invited! Cross-sector teen forum organised by CEWA students

23 February 2018

In November 2016, Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) held a round table conversation with the WA Police Commissioner at the Catholic Education Centre in Leederville.  A group of students from Sacred Heart College attended and asked how young people could have a say in decisions that involve and affect WA youth.

The students then began discussions with their peers, their school and CEWA staff, exploring potential strategies for closing the gap between youth and authority, and improving outcomes for young people across WA schools and communities.

Following these discussions, the students worked hard to organise the upcoming Teen Connect Forum, with more than 60 students from Catholic colleges and government high schools in the northern metro area already registered to attend, and representatives from government and not-for-profit organisations participating.

The Forum is open to secondary students from all school sectors and will address the key themes of:

  • Being Collaborative – embracing diverse views, ideas and experiences to work together
  • Being Curious – purposefully seeking insight and understanding
  • Being Creative – thinking outside the box
  • Celebrating Diversity – valuing different ideas, experiences, and beliefs

To register, please contact Rossana Hywood via or 9246 8279 by 9 March 2018, with the name of your school, names and year groups of students, and name of staff member attending.



Who:                Up to four students from Year 8 to Year 11, and a participating staff member

When:              Friday 23 March 2018, 8:45am – 2:00pm

Where:             Sacred Heart College, 15 Hocking Parade, Sorrento

Catering:         Lunch and morning tea provided

Dress:             All students are asked to wear their sports uniform

Media:             Please ensure that all participants have approval for their image to be published in media

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