Youth crave authentic, joyous Church

07 February 2019

The voice of youth was heard loud and clear by the Synod of Bishops in Rome last October, according to the official report released recently. 

It was the first time the Synod had included young people, and in the Final Document on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment, the Synod came to three clear conclusions: 

  • Called to become saints 
  • Reawakening the world with holiness; and
  • Dragged by the holiness of the young. 

The Synod wrote that all vocations should come together in one universal call to holiness, to spread the joy of love that resounds in the heart of every young person. 

`We must be saints so that we can invite the young to be saints’, the document concluded. 

`The young are crying out for an authentic, radiant, transparent, joyful Church: only a Church of saints can measure up to such requests! It has been clear from the beginning of the synodal journey that the young form an essential part of the Church.’

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