VET 2023 – Demas Newberry (Irene McCormack Catholic College) Success Story

A proud Aboriginal man from remote Jigalong, Demas was born with a range of medical conditions that limited his physical activities. Despite this, he has never allowed his hardships to get in the way of helping others and achieving his dreams.

From 2017, Demas has won awards for his contribution to football, basketball, art and proven his leadership skills when he assumed the role of prefect in his school and Cadet Unit Leader for the Youth in Emergency Services Cadets. He is also an active member of Wildlife Care WA, committing his time to helping wildlife during the 2019 Yanchep Two Rocks Bushfires.

With many accolades under his belt, Demas expressed his desire to study woodwork through completion of a Vocation Education and Training  (VET) course. After guidance from his teachers and much practise, he represented TAFE at the 2022 World Trade Skills Competition (Carpentry), where he emerged as bronze medalist.

Demas is currently on placement once a week at a building site which he enjoys. His dream is to own his carpentry business where he takes teams of tradespeople to remote communities.

Wishing Demas all the best in his endeavours!

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Dr Angela Alessandri