WWI tribute earns Trinity dancers national recognition

14 November 2019

Trinity College continues to pave the way for boys’ dance, grabbing a top-five finish and winning the secondary Style/Genré category at the recent Wakakirri competition. 

Wakakirri is Australia’s biggest performing arts event for schools, with Trinity fifth among a talented field, and the only Western Australian school to win a category award. 

Trinity’s dance ‘Gallipoli’ told the story of young Australian soldiers arriving by boat before dawn on the shores of Gallipoli in 1915, to face challenge, inexperience and loss. 


Judge Sarah Harmony said the dance was a “moving, poignant and creatively told story enhanced by the use of spoken word, well-chosen soundtrack and visuals, and choreography that matched your story well,”  

Wakakirri is designed to be accessible and affordable for every school in Australia and provides separate events for primary, secondary, dance schools and those in remote areas.  

Each year, it attracts hundreds of schools which create Story-Dances that reflect students’ thoughts, ideas and aspirations and performed in professional theatres. 

They are judged by an official panel searching for Story of the Year. 

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