In Our Schools


Pemberton students treat mums with drive-through Mothers’ Day

Catholic Earthcare

Laudato Si: trial partnership between college and Catholic Earthcare Australia


Teaching hands-on skills online: skipper’s ticket study via Teams

Alyssa Resized

Mandurah student impresses with public-health message in art


CEWA students bring cheer to aged care residents

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CEWA schools find new approaches to celebrate Mother’s Day

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Home is where the Art is: Iona students embrace creativity

St Norbert College student Sharie Fernandez working form home early in Term Two

St Norbert students reflect on learning from home, and returning to campus


Executive Director’s message: Welcome to Term Two


Prayer and community – a reflection from the Director of Religious Education

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Year 6 brings community the news from St Paul’s Karratha


Arts and Tecnology Centre named as College celebrates Feast Day