Newman Arts Festival March 2017

02 March 2017


The annual Newman Arts Festival will take place from Friday, 31 March to Sunday, 2 April.

This three-day event has been running since 1977, reflecting the importance the College places on the arts.

The Festival begins with the Twilight Opening in the Marist Auditorium on Friday 31 March from 7.00pm-9.30pm.

The Auditorium will showcase over 300 pieces of work that visitors can purchase, including a selection of artworks by Guest Artist Kerri Blades. A Silent Auction will also be held throughout the evening. Fine wines, champagne and canapés will be served. Tickets can be purchased online at

The Art Exhibition continues from  Saturday 1 of April to Sunday 2 of April. Along with hundreds of two-dimensional pieces, there will be a collection of three-dimensional pieces, including jewellery, ceramics and sculptures.

The Community Fair takes place on Saturday evening, 1 April from 4.00pm-8.00pm where families can enjoy a range of activities and attractions:

  • Children’s rides.
  • Market stalls selling a variety of homemade cakes, preserves, second-hand books and DVD’s.
  • BBQ and food stalls offering range of different cuisines.
  • Craft Market Stalls run by students, parents and businesses in the local community.
  • Newman College ensembles and drama students will perform and provide entertainment.

For more information visit the school website.


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