St Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School


Award winning reading group benefits students and residents

Dion Emin is interviewed for Channel 9 News after helping a severely injured man.

Alert CEWA student helps save man’s life

Christmas Hampers

College Gives Christmas Hampers to Struggling Families

Izabella Mandjian

Chisholm Catholic College student winner in city art award

CEWA Footballers Shine in AFL Draft


Irene McCormack student selected for Aboriginal STEM summer school


Christmas blessings – Dr Debra Sayce

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‘Be the One’ – Catholic School Youth Summit for primary students

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CEWA students wow judges with startup ideas at charity gala

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Ursula Frayne graduates talk body positivity

Fresh faces: These students (and more) joined St Joseph's School in 2018

St Joseph’s abounds with new staff and students

Newman College - Koort Kadadjiny

Award winners: CEWA schools build understanding of Aboriginal histories and cultures