
St Norbert space camp

St Norbert Students Depart for the USA to Train at NASA’s Space Academy

Microsoft Managing Director, Steven Worrall, with CEWA Executive Director Dr Tim McDonald.

Catholic Education Western Australia’s digital transformation

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Catholic education students attend Women in Alcoa Mentoring Day

Francis Chun and Year 8 student, Emma Pretorius.

St Joseph’s welcomes Professor Francis Chun from the US Air Force Academy

Young Achievers

WA Young Achiever Award Finalists Announced

Students at St Helena’s Catholic Primary School celebrated with a culinary feast across the school, and followed with games, dancing, singing, story-telling, and information sharing from across the world. 

Harmony Day celebrations 2017

St Francis 3

St Francis’ School: Strong Hearts, Strong Minds

Resurrected Irene II booklet without 5mm bleed

Artwork commemorates the life of Irene McCormack at Catholic College

Catholic education leaders discuss A Framework for Formation for Mission in Catholic Education at the document’s launch in North Sydney on March 20.

New Resource Supports Faith Formation in Catholic schools

Valerie Kwik with her award.

Catholic education student wins national award at 2017 Australian Power of Speech event

kurt carrera

Irene McCormack graduate, Kurt Carrera, launches Debut EP

Image: MSP Photography and the photographer: Corinne Rath compliments of MSP Photography.

Saint Andrew’s Catholic Primary School Celebrates their 20 Year Anniversary