QCE Award Winners

The Quality Catholic Education (QCE) Awards recognise programs and initiatives in Catholic schools across Western Australia that support out vision of providing Christ-centred, student-focused, engaged learning environments. The awards celebrate the remarkable efforts and dedication of Catholic schools communities, staff and students across our state.


Childcare students create practical care packs


Leaders’ Forum hits the road for WA tour


World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – forced labour and electronics


Student-led prayer at Newman

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Student engagement gets safety zone added to busy road

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World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – who made my clothes?


World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – orphanages and modern slavery?


World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – it’s time to Shop for Good

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World Day Against Trafficking in Persons – what is a slavery footprint?


Executive Director’s message: looking ahead to Term Three

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Students in Northam connect with space-tech experts 

Uniform Rescue

OLA community donates uniforms to support education of less-privileged students