Aboriginal Education


Aranmore teams take out inaugural Rugby Schools Cup


The Right Spirit – CEWA alumni athletes launch sports history book

Gathered in My Name – new catechists program complete

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St Patrick’s host second regional STEM Showcase for 2021

CEWA students (left to right) Ali Tkacz (St Norbert College),
Liam Baxter (St Norbert College), 
Zachery Gerrans (Trinity College), Chloe Jager (Kolbe Catholic College), 
Rachel Taylor (Our Lady of Mercy, Australind),
Marcus Hayden (Christian Brothers College) and Ben Park (St Norbert College) with Minister for Education and Training, the Hon Sue Ellery, CEWA Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce, and CEWA VET/Careers Coordinator, Genevie Baker.

CEWA students part of TeamWA’s WorldSkills success


Hands-on viticulture at La Salle with new micro-vineyard


Chisholm Catholic College student talent on show in art exhibition

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Cross-sector collaboration celebrates teachers

Perth Plenary Council Members gathered with friends and family in St Michael The Archangel Chapel after the closing Mass of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia. Photo: Michelle Tan, The Record

Plenary Council Members gather at CEWA offices for First Assembly


Start of Term Four: Executive Director’s Message


Outstanding initiatives and longstanding commitment celebrated at Staff Breakfast

Iona Presentation College student, Matilda, and Sr Gabrielle Morgan, Congregation Leader of the Tasmanian Presentation Sisters, show the postcards they sent each other as part of an Iona Presentation College gratitude project.

Iona students send messages of gratitude around the world